Disk-O FAQs

Q: How can I remove the Mac's Hard Drive icon from the desktop?

To hide the internal Hard Drive icon, type this into the Terminal window:

$ defaults write com.apple.finder ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool false

$ killall -HUP Finder

To restore the internal Hard Drive icon you’ve hidden, type this into the Terminal window:

$ defaults write com.apple.finder ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true

$ killall -HUP Finder

Q: I have a 512 GB drive. Why does Disk-O report my drive as 494 GB?

This discrepancy is actually due to the hidden recovery partition that Apple places on your Mac's built-in storage device and various nuances in how recent versions of macOS calculate storage on SSD storage devices.

Q: Does this program work with external drives?

No, it only works for internal (built-in) drives.

Q: Does this program work with drives with multiple partitions?

Err...doubtful. Disk-O is specifically coded to recognize the main Macintosh storage volume and I haven’t tested it on any disk setups that depart from standard system configurations.

Q: Does this program warn you when you are low on disk space?

Not currently but I am considering adding this capability in a future version.

Q: This program isn’t bad. Do you have others?

Yes. I’ve made quite a few. You can find them here: https://www.widgetworx.com/apps/

Q: Can you add such and such feature?

Uh, sure...maybe? This is a hobby for me and there are many limits to my ability and time. However, I would be willing to at least entertain any feature suggestions if they made sense and I could figure out how to implement them.